We encourage and facilitate data sharing by researchers from all disciplines.  If you would like more information on how to access the HORIZONS data resource please contact the team at HORIZONS@soton.ac.uk.

The Macmillan HORIZONS evidence will:

  • Improve understanding of the consequences of different cancers and treatments and ability to self-manage and what helps or hinders this.

  • Enable us to predict who is most likely to need support and what form this should take and when it should be available.

  • Help to prepare future patients for likely consequences and how long these might last following treatment so that they know what to look out for and when to seek support. And to support decision making where appropriate.

  • Support the transformation of care for people living with and beyond cancer. Better information on short, medium and long term outcomes and experiences across cancer types and treatments will enable health professionals to provide more personalised care to their patients tailored to their needs and to support people to live as healthy and active a life as possible.

  • Identify areas for service innovation and other solutions to support cancer survivors and their personal networks to manage the consequences of cancer and its treatment across all aspects of their lives.
  • Be an important vehicle for the development of further important clinical / research questions and development of theoretical models.